Your Roadmap to Building and Selling a $40K SaaS Business without code

Your Roadmap to Building and Selling a $40K SaaS Business without code

At the end of this article, you will learn:

  1. How to find a SaaS idea people will actually pay for

  2. Strategies to build your initial product on a bootstrap budget

  3. Techniques to attract your first 100 users without spending much

  4. Ways to optimize and monetize your SaaS for max profitability

  5. Steps to prepare and negotiate a profitable $40K+ exit

By the time we're done, you'll have a clear roadmap on how you can build, launch, and sell a SaaS business built with flutterflow for $40,000 or more based on typical 2.5x annual revenue multiples.

  • $49/month? You'd only need 24 customers

  • $99/month? Just 14.

  • $297/month? Only 6 is all it takes!

Of course, growth, margins, and other factors affect the final value.

But a 5-figure exit should be totally achievable if you follow the system.

And that $40K exit?

Just the beginning.

With a killer SaaS and aggressive growth tactics, you could be looking at a 6, 7, or even 8-figure acquisition!

This is the roadmap to get you there.

No-fluff, easy-to-follow, explosive tactics to deliver maximum profit in minimum time.

Don't want to read everything here! Here's a link to download same article as an ebook you can take home.

Continue reading to learn proven strategies and tools to help you every step of the way. Don’t worry, it will be simple & easy to follow. 

Lesson 1

 How to find & validate your $40K Flutterflow SaaS idea

  • In this section you will discover and validate a profitable SaaS idea you can build with flutterflow

  • Techniques to validate your idea quickly without wasTools and methods to research and make sure there’s demand for your solution.ting time or money.


Let’s get started by talking about the foundation of any successful SaaS business.

The Idea.

Trust me, you don't want to waste your time and energy building something nobody wants.

A common mistake for many SaaS creators is starting with a brilliant idea that no one actually needs.

Imagine spending months building a product only to realize no one wants it.

That's a lot of wasted time and effort.

It's like shooting an arrow blindfolded - you might hit the target, but it's very unlikely.


You can't see where you're aiming.

Without properly validating your idea first, you risk creating a SaaS product that fails to get any users.

​No sign-ups, no sales, just silence.

It's not just disappointing; it costs you time and money.

Let's make sure you don't fall into this trap.

Here's how you can discover and validate a winning SaaS idea:

Find a gap in the market and fill it with your SaaS solution.

Sounds simple, right?​

Well, it can be, with the right approach.

One method is to look for common problems or frustrations in specific industries or jobs.

For example, let’s say you’ve identified a need for a better way for freelance designers to create and track invoices.

They struggle with this, wasting time they could spend designing. This could be an opportunity for a new SaaS solution.

The goal is to find a specific problem that needs solving for a particular group of people.

This way, you can build a solution meant just for them that stands out.

Use online forums like Reddit, Quora, and niche Facebook groups to see what issues people are complaining about.

Check for existing solutions.

Research if there are already tools solving this problem.

Look at similar SaaS products and analyze their features, pricing, and customer reviews. You can find reviews on sites like G2, Capterra or Product Hunt.

This will show you what’s working and where there might be room for improvement. 🧐

See what users are saying in bad reviews. Are there gaps or complaints you could address?

Validate your idea quickly and at low cost.

Now that you have an idea, how do you know if it’s worth pursuing?

This is where validation comes in. You want to make sure there’s actual demand for your SaaS solution before spending too much time and money on it.

One way is to create a simple website for your idea using a tool like Carrd or Webflow. Outline what your SaaS does and include a “Sign Up” button for interested users.

Use free survey tools like Google Forms or Typeform to get direct feedback on your idea from your target audience.​

Next, promote this page through social media, online communities, or even emails to potential customers. If a decent number of people sign up, that’s a good sign there’s interest in your idea.

Another option is to post about your idea directly on social media and online forums.

Something like:

You can also use a tool like Semrush to see if related keywords are becoming more popular over time.

An upward trend can signal growing demand.

Conduct user interviews

This is my favorite way to validate.


Because you can ask follow-up questions and listen for unstated problems - that’s where the real insights are.

Reach out to potential users and ask about their current challenges and how they try to solve them.

This can give you valuable feedback on if your solution would be a good fit.​

Use LinkedIn or emails to connect with 30-50 people in your target user group. Share your idea in online communities too.

The goal is to gather as much feedback as possible to validate your idea.

Here’s one way to do it:

Email/message 30-50 potential users with something simple like:

When they reply, follow up to schedule a quick call link. 

On the calls, don’t just ask if they like your idea.

Ask probing questions to uncover their biggest frustrations, obstacles and goals like:

- What solutions have you tried?

- Where do you still feel stuck?

- After spending money, what still isn’t solved?

Review responses and choose the idea that resonated most.

Now that you’ve found and  validated your idea, let’s move to lesson 2

Lesson 2

Zero to SLP in 4 weeks

Here we’ll cover:

  • The basic tools and tech to build your SLP (Simple Loveable Product) efficiently.

  • Tips on using no-code/low-code platforms to build faster.

Building Your SLP Quickly and Affordably

You’ve got a brilliant, validated idea.

But now comes the challenge – actually making it without spending too much money.

Many aspiring SaaS creators get stuck here, worrying about the costs and difficulty of development.

You might think you need a huge budget or to be an expert coder to get started or pay a traditional company to bring your idea to life.​

The fear of high costs and technical roadblocks can stop you before you even begin.

Imagine having a great idea but feeling paralyzed because you think you need thousands of dollars and a team of developers to create it.

This can make the whole journey seem impossible and discourage many people from even trying.

If you spend all your savings upfront on coding and development, you’ll have nothing left for marketing, sales, and growth.

Next thing you know, your great product has zero customers.

One rule I have when building an SLP is to not spend more than 4 weeks on it.​

Ideally, I like to go live within 8 weeks

That’s only if it’s not possible in 4 weeks. Especially when the app needs more than one feature to push its unique selling point forward. 

You don’t need to build a complete product at this stage.

You just need to pick a single feature and build it so well that your customer love it. 

By using modern no-code/low-code tools and keeping things lean, you can launch a SaaS your customers would love plus one that’s viable in 4 weeks​

Then you can start getting real users, making money, and reinvesting those profits to improve your product.

Here’s a simple 3-step process to go from idea to launched SLP in 24 hours:

  1. Define your core features
    What’s the minimum required for your SaaS idea to solve the main problem for early users?

    List out just the 20% of critical features that will deliver 80% of the value. Everything else comes later.

  2. Explore beginner-friendly no-code tools like Flutterflow, Adalo or Bubble.
    Most have visual, drag-and-drop interfaces and require zero coding skills. 

We recommend FlutterFlow because you can easily build both mobile, web and desktop applications with it, plus it’s so design friendly.

Watch tutorial videos to learn the basics quickly.

  1. Understand the basics of mobile UI design, colors, User experience and design direction. This book by UI Adrain is a good place to start. It’s my fav.

  2. Focus for 4 weeks
    Once you’ve planned your core features &  learnt a bit of design, find a quiet place to work (home office, coffee shop, etc.)

    Turn off distractions and pour all your focus into rapidly building your barebones SLP using the no-code platform.

    Connect it to Stripe or any payment processor of choice. Payment is very important. What else are we doing here. 

​Note: While I recommend starting with no-code, you can go with whatever tech setup you’re most comfortable with.​

Hiring an expert nocode development agency can help you reduce development time and help you focus on more important aspects of building your company. Especially Marketing.

The goal is to get a working version of your SaaS live in 24 hours.

Recommended Tools:

  • Flutterflow: For building your MVP without coding.

  • Firebase/Supabase: For affordable and scalable hosting.

  • Notion: For easy documentation and process management

Lesson 3

How to Quickly Attract Your First 100 SaaS Users

In this lesson, you will learn:

  • Proven ways to launch your SaaS product and gain traction quickly.

  • How to get your first 100 users without spending much money.

  • Using growth hacking and building a community to grow fast.

Launching a new product is hard.

Even if you've built an amazing SaaS, finding users who will use it and pay can be really tough.

Many SaaS businesses that bootstrap struggle to get started.

If you can't get that first critical mass of users, your SaaS won't gain momentum or prove its value.

You'll be stuck with an app no one uses or pays for - more like an expensive hobby than a real business.

You've spent all this time building and improving your product, so it's time to get it out there.

But how do you make sure your launch is a success?

Well, one strategy is to start with a private beta. Invite a small group of early users to test out your SaaS and give you feedback.

How do you do this?

Remember those potential users you interviewed on Day 1? You're now going to try to convert them into paid users.

Message every one of them to sign up. You can use a template like this:

Watch for the first sign-ups in your payment system like Stripe and lemonsqueezy

Then send each new user a personal welcome video.

Also get them on a 15-minute Call to explain how to get started.

Gather as much feedback as you can.

Another way to get beta users is through cold emails or messages.

Here’s how you can do that:

Build a list of 1000 potential users like you did on Day 1 using or Sales Navigator. And cold email or message everyone of them.

You can use tools like SmartLead or Instantly to automate the sending.

For example, if you built a Flutterflow SaaS for solo-dentist, you’ll email dentists and say something like:

When they respond you can follow up with this:

Congratulations on acquiring your first sets of customers. You are going to be rich 🎉 🎉

Once you’ve worked out any issues with your private beta, it’s time to launch to the public.

Here are some tips:

  1. Make a clear value proposition: Your messaging should clearly explain how your SaaS benefits people. What problem does it solve? How does it make things better?

  2. Use social media: Platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit can help spread the word about your SaaS.

  3. Work with influencers: Reach out to popular people in your niche and ask them to review or promote your product.

  4. Create content: Write blog posts, make videos, or create infographics that show the benefits of your SaaS. This can attract potential users searching for solutions.

  5. Run a promotion: Offer a limited-time discount or special bonus for early sign-ups to get people to try your SaaS.

Now that you’ve launched, it’s time to focus on growth!

This is where things can really take off.​

One of the best ways to grow your user base is through referrals.

Here are some strategies:

  1. Referral program: Offer rewards (e.g. discounts or free months) for users who refer friends or colleagues.

  2. Social sharing: Make it easy for users to share your SaaS on social media with built-in share buttons.

  3. Affiliate program: Reach out to bloggers and influencers and offer them a commission for promoting your SaaS.

Another way to grow is through partnerships.​

Working with other businesses or groups can help you reach new customer segments.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Bundle deal: Search ProductHunt for 5 non-competing tools your audience uses and create a discounted package.

  2. Joint promotions: Work with other businesses on deals like “buy one, get one.”

  3. Attend events: Go to conferences or meetups in your niche to meet potential users and partner companies.

Lesson 4

How to Maximize Value and Profits from Your SaaS

Now that you've found a good SaaS idea, built an MVP, and started getting users, it's time to focus on making your product better and earning more money from it.

In this lesson we will cover:

  • Best ways to improve your product based on user feedback and how they use it.

  • Strategies for pricing your SaaS to make maximum profits.

  • Setting up recurring payments and ways to sell more to boost your earnings.

It's easy for you to get so caught up in building new features that you forget what's most important - giving users a great experience that keeps them paying.

The truth is - getting users is only the first part of the battle.

Turning those users into paying customers and keeping them subscribed for a long time is where the real challenge lies.

Without a clear plan, you risk losing users who could have paid you good money.

By focusing on what users really need, studying how they actually use your SaaS, and making changes based on their feedback, you can make sure your SaaS delivers amazing value that keeps them happily subscribed.

Combined with smart pricing, you can maximize your revenues and profits

Here’s how to keep improving your SaaS and making more money:

  • Collect and analyze user feedback: Set up a way to gather feedback from users and make improvements based on their suggestions.

    Use tools like SurveyMonkey or HotJar to continuously get insights on what’s working well, what needs improvement, and what new features they want.

    After gathering the feedback, export it and use OpenAI or clause for deeper analysis:

Analyze user feedback to identify:

  1. Top 3 requested features

  2. Top 3 biggest problems 

  3. Some good quotes we can use as testimonials 

Note: feedback here means all feedback from chats, notes and emails 

  • Improve onboarding: Make sure the process for new users to start using your SaaS is smooth and easy to understand, with clear instructions and tips.

    Use tutorial videos, walkthroughs, or guides built into your app to help users learn. Low code tools like flutterflow come with easy onboarding setup for new users. 

  • Study User Behavior: Use analytics tools and heatmaps to see exactly how users navigate and use your SaaS. Find areas they get confused as well as the key moments when they really understand your product’s value.

  • Prioritize Features: Based on user feedback and data, remove little-used features and keep improving the vital 20% that provides 80% of the value.

    Repeat this cycle of optimize > analyze > improve.

    Record a Loom video showing the new feature. Send to your most active users: “You asked, we built it. What do you think?”

  • Experiment with Pricing: Price your SaaS based on the value it delivers, not just your costs.

    Try a free plan and different pricing tiers to attract different types of users. Add upsells and ways for customers to pay more as they use more features.

  • Track Analytics: Follow key numbers like user engagement, churn rate, and feature usage to identify areas for improvement.

Don’t forget keeping existing users is just as important as getting new ones:

  • Provide Great Support: Offer 24/7 support through email, chat, and phone so users can get help anytime.

  • Share Valuable Content: Create blog posts, webinars, or tutorials that show the full potential of your SaaS.

  • Send Personal Messages: Use tools to send personalized emails that keep users engaged and less likely to cancel.

By now, you probably have a lot of data about your users and how they behave.

So how do you turn all that into an action plan?

  • Use A/B Testing: Test different versions of your SaaS to see which ones perform best. For example, you could test different pricing plans or onboarding flows.

  • Analyze User Journeys: Use tools like Google Analytics to track how users move through your SaaS and find any roadblocks or drop-off points.

Lesson 5

Let’s Sell Your SaaS for $40K?

In this lesson we’ll go through:

  • Steps to get your SaaS ready for sale and find buyers.

  • How to figure out what your SaaS business is worth and negotiate a good deal.

  • Legal and money stuff to make sure the sale goes smoothly.

Before you can sell, you need to make your SaaS look attractive to potential buyers.​

Selling a SaaS business can be tricky.

If you don't prepare properly or understand the process, you might end up selling it for way less than it's worth or have legal problems during the sale.

After working so hard to build a SaaS business that actually makes money, you don't want to get paid very little just because of mistakes you could have avoided.

Cleaning up your business, understanding its value, following the rules, and talking to buyers the right way can help you get more money when you sell your SaaS.

Here's a step-by-step plan to get your SaaS ready for a $40K+ sale:

Get Your Finances in Order:

You want to make sure your accounting is up-to-date and accurate so buyers can see how much money your SaaS is making.

Keep detailed records of your income, expenses, and profits. Use accounting software like QuickBooks or FreshBooks to keep everything organized. A simple spread works well if you want to keep things simple. 

Optimize Your SaaS for Sale:

Buyers want to see that your SaaS is growing and has a bright future. Make sure your SaaS is running smoothly and is easy to use.

Fix any technical problems and highlight what makes your SaaS special and any good reviews from customers to make it look attractive to buyers

Figure Out What Your SaaS is Worth:

Look at other SaaS businesses that have been sold and use numbers like your annual revenue, growth rates, and profit margins to estimate how much your SaaS is worth.

You might want to hire an expert to help you get a more accurate number.

Marketing Your SaaS for Sale:

Create marketing materials that show how valuable your SaaS is and why it has a bright future.

Be clear on how much you want to sell it for, but be open to negotiating. Try to understand what the buyer wants and be ready to discuss different scenarios.

Let people in the industry know you’re looking to sell and ask if they know anyone interested in buying.

You can also list your SaaS for sale on websites like Acquire, Microns or Flippa to find potential buyers.

Legal and Financial Stuff:

Have all your legal documents ready, including proof that you own the SaaS, customer contracts, and terms of service.

Hire a lawyer to make sure everything is legally okay to transfer ownership to the new buyer.

Negotiating the Deal:

Once you’ve found someone interested in buying, it’s time to negotiate the deal.

Here are some tips for getting the best price:

  1. Ask for more: Your starting price should be higher than what you’re willing to accept so you have room to negotiate.

  2. Be honest: Tell the buyer all the important details about your SaaS, including financials, customers, and technology, so they trust you.

  3. Consider future profits: You can choose to agree to a lower upfront price in exchange for a share of future profits, which could increase the overall value.

Once you’ve reached an agreement, it’s time to finalize the deal and start thinking about life after the sale.

So you’ve sold your SaaS and made a cool $40K (or more).

What’s next?

Here are some ideas for your next entrepreneurial adventure:

  1. Start a new SaaS: With all you’ve learned, you might want to start a new SaaS in a different area.

  2. Invest in startups: Use your earnings to invest in other promising startups, either as an investor or through crowdfunding sites like Seedrs or Republic.

Whatever you choose, remember to celebrate your success and take a break.

Building and selling a SaaS is not easy!

But don’t relax too much.

The entrepreneurial bug is hard to shake, and there’s always another opportunity waiting.

Now that you know how it’s done, the world is yours.

Go take on the SaaS world!

And let us know about your next adventure.

You did it 👏 👏

Reading this article, you got a full guide on finding, building, launching and selling your first SaaS for at least $40,000.

Use what you learned, keep taking action, and that $40K could just be the start of bigger entrepreneurial dreams!

Congratulations on completing The SaaS Creator’s Exit Playbook! 🎉

High fives all around - you’ve put in the work and now you have the blueprint to build, launch, and scale your SaaS business to new heights.

With these skills, you’re ready to create a software business worth $40,000 or even more!

But why stop there?

The strategies from this course are just the launchpad.

Imagine multiplying your exit to $80K, $160K, or even higher.

What’s Next for Your SaaS Empire?

To help you scale and reach stratospheric heights, I’m unlocking some exclusive opportunities designed to keep your growth trajectory soaring:

  1. Outsource your design and development to us: So here's it, I run a studio that help solopreneurs like you design &  develop functional  mobile and web applications using flutterflow (our choice lowcode tool). We start with ideating, scoping and building a Simple Loveable Product (SLP) that you can scale after launch.  Click here to schedule a free call here.

  2. Book  a Free 15-Minute: Let’s map out a personalized action plan tailored to your current position and goals. This quick strategy session will re-energize your efforts and provide clarity on your next steps. Schedule your free call here.

You’ve mastered the fundamentals.

Now it’s time to decide:

Will you settle with just having that idea in your head or start so we can celebrate your success?

Will you take the leap into the big leagues and build a SaaS empire that generates life-changing wealth?

The choice is yours, but remember - I’m here to support your journey every step of the way.

Simply choose a path, and let’s chart your path to the stars together!

You can always find me here on twitter.