Complete Guide to Building Micro SaaS with

brianstorming ideas

Complete Guide to Building Micro SaaS with

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own software product and selling it to a global audience? Do you have a brilliant idea for solving a specific problem for a niche market? Do you want to build a web app without writing a single line of code?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this blog post is for you. In this post, I will show you how to build your own micro SaaS product with, the most powerful no-code platform for creating digital products.

What is Micro SaaS and

Micro SaaS is a term that refers to a small-scale SaaS (software as a service) business that deals with a specific niche or domain. Micro SaaS is usually controlled by an individual person or a very small team with a tiny group of users and no external funding.

Some examples of micro SaaS products are:

Micro SaaS products have some benefits such as low costs, location independence, direct feedback, and fast decision-making. However, they also have some challenges such as finding a good idea, managing the business alone, and generating enough revenue.

That’s where comes in. is a no-code platform that lets you create web apps without coding. You can use it to build various types of web apps, including micro SaaS products, that solve specific problems for niche markets.

With, you can:

  • Design your web app using a drag-and-drop interface editor

  • Set up your database using a visual database editor

  • Add logic and functionality using a workflow editor

  • Test and launch your web app using a preview mode and a hosting service also offers many plugins and integrations that can enhance your web app’s functionality and performance. You can also customize your web app’s design and domain to suit your brand and vision.

How to Build a Micro SaaS Product with

In this blog post, I will guide you through the steps of building a micro SaaS product with 

You too can build you own micro saas project with bubble with the following steps:

The steps are:

  1. Choose a micro SaaS idea

  2. Design the user interface

  3. Set up the database

  4. Add logic and functionality

  5. Test and launch the web app

Step 1: Choose a Micro SaaS Idea

The first step is to choose a micro SaaS idea that you want to build. This is probably the most important and difficult step of the process, as it will determine the success or failure of your product.

To choose a good micro SaaS idea, you need to find a niche problem that can be solved with a web app. A niche problem is one that affects a small but specific group of people who are willing to pay for a solution.

To find a niche problem, you can use various methods such as:

  • Brainstorming based on your own experience, skills, interests, or hobbies

  • Researching online communities, forums, blogs, podcasts, or newsletters related to your niche

  • Interviewing potential customers or users about their pain points or needs

  • Analyzing existing solutions or competitors and finding gaps or opportunities

Once you have some ideas, you need to evaluate and validate them before proceeding. Some criteria and tips for evaluating and validating micro SaaS ideas are:

  • The problem should be clear, specific, and urgent for your target market

  • The solution should be simple, focused, and differentiated from other alternatives

  • The market should be large enough to generate revenue but small enough to avoid competition

  • The idea should be feasible to build with within your time and budget constraints

You can use various tools and techniques to test your ideas such as:

  • Creating landing pages or mockups and driving traffic to them using ads or social media

  • Conducting surveys or polls and collecting feedback from potential customers or users

  • Pre-selling your product or offering discounts or incentives for early adopters

  • Building an MVP (minimum viable product) and launching it to a beta group of users

The goal of this step is to find an idea that has enough demand, differentiation, and feasibility to build a successful micro SaaS product.

Step 2: Design the User Interface

The next step is to design the user interface of your web app using Bubble’s interface editor. The user interface is how your web app looks and feels to your users. It includes elements such as layouts, colors, fonts, images, icons, buttons, forms, menus, etc.

To design a good user interface, you need to consider some factors such as:

  • The user experience: how easy and intuitive it is for users to navigate and use your web app

  • The responsiveness: how well your web app adapts to different screen sizes and devices

  • The branding: how consistent and appealing your web app is with your brand identity and vision

To design your user interface with Bubble, you can use the following steps:

  • Create a new app or choose a template from the Bubble marketplace

  • Add pages and elements to your app using the drag-and-drop editor

  • Customize the properties and styles of your elements using the property editor and the style tab

  • Use reusable elements and groups to create common components that can be used across your app

  • Use responsive settings and breakpoints to adjust your app’s layout and behavior for different screen widths

You can also use various resources and templates to inspire and customize your user interface such as:

  • UI kits and themes from the Bubble marketplace or other sources

  • UI design tools such as Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD

  • UI design principles and guidelines from online courses, books, or blogs

The goal of this step is to create a user interface that is user-friendly, responsive, and branded for your micro SaaS product.

Step 3: Set up the Database

The third step is to set up the database of your web app using Bubble’s database editor. The database is where you store and manage the data of your web app. It includes data types and fields that define the structure and attributes of your data.

To set up a good database, you need to consider some factors such as:

  • The data model: how you organize and relate your data types and fields

  • The Data validation: how you ensure the accuracy and consistency of your data

  • Data security: how you protect your data from unauthorized access or modification

To set up your database with Bubble, you can use the following steps:

  • Create data types and fields for your app using the database editor

  • Define the field types, privacy rules, and default values for your fields using the field editor

  • Add, edit, or delete data entries for your app using the app data tab

  • Use workflows, plugins, or APIs to create, update, or delete data entries dynamically in your app

You can also use various examples and diagrams to illustrate how to structure your database for different types of micro SaaS products such as:

  • A feedback tool: you can have data types such as User, Feedback, Survey, Question, Answer, etc.

  • A newsletter platform: you can have data types such as User, Newsletter, Subscriber, Email, Template, etc.

  • A booking system: you can have data types such as User, Service, Booking, Calendar, Payment, etc.

  • A social media scheduler: you can have data types such as User, Account, Post, Schedule, Platform, etc.

  • A project management tool: you can have data types such as User, Project, Task, Board, Column, etc.

The goal of this step is to create a database that is well-structured, validated, and secured for your micro SaaS product.

Step 4: Add Logic and Functionality

The fourth step is to add logic and functionality to your web app using Bubble’s workflow editor. The logic and functionality are how your web app behaves and interacts with your users. It includes workflows that define the actions and events that occur in your web app.

To add logic and functionality to your web app, you need to consider some factors such as:

  • The user flow: how users move from one page or element to another in your web app

  • The user input: how users provide information or feedback to your web app

  • The user output: how users receive information or feedback from your web app

To add logic and functionality to your web app with Bubble, you can use the following steps:

  • Create workflows for your pages and elements using the workflow editor

  • Add events that trigger your workflows based on user actions or conditions

  • Add actions that perform tasks or operations based on your workflows

  • Add conditions that specify when or how your actions should run based on logic

You can also use various plugins and integrations that can enhance the functionality and performance of your web app such as:

  • Plugins from the Bubble marketplace or other sources that provide additional features or functionalities for your web app

  • APIs from external services or platforms that allow you to connect and exchange data with other apps or systems

  • Zapier or Integromat that allows you to automate workflows between different apps or systems

You can also use various examples and screenshots to show how to set up different types of workflows for different types of micro SaaS products such as:

  • A feedback tool: you can have workflows such as creating a survey, sending a survey link, collecting feedback responses, displaying feedback results, etc.

  • A newsletter platform: you can have workflows such as creating a newsletter template, adding subscribers, sending newsletters, tracking email performance, etc.

  • A booking system: you can have workflows such as creating a service listing, displaying available slots, booking a slot, processing payments, sending notifications, etc.

  • A social media scheduler: you can have workflows such as creating posts, displaying those posts, picking a time slot, payment, notifications, etc.

Testing and Launching the Web App

Preview Mode

Bubble offers a preview mode that allows you to test your web app in real time as you build it. This mode can be accessed by clicking the "Preview" button in the top right corner of the editor. Preview mode allows you to test your app's functionality and design, and make updates in real-time.

Debugger Tool

In addition to preview mode, Bubble also offers a debugger tool that can help you identify and fix any issues in your app. The debugger tool can be accessed by clicking the "Debug" button in the top right corner of the editor. This tool allows you to see error messages, inspect data, and step through your app's workflows to identify and resolve any issues.

User Testing and Feedback Collection

To conduct user testing and collect feedback on your web app, you can use a variety of tools and methods. Some popular options include:

  • Usability testing: This involves having users complete tasks on your app while you observe and take notes on their experience.

  • Surveys: Surveys can help you gather feedback on user preferences, pain points, and areas for improvement.

  • A/B testing: This involves testing different versions of your app with different groups of users to see which performs better.

To conduct user testing and feedback collection, you can use tools like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, and

Launching and Hosting the Web App

To launch and host your web app on Bubble's platform, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Settings" tab in the editor.

  2. Click "Domain/Email" to set up your domain and email.

  3. Click "Deployment" to launch your app.

If you prefer to host your app on a custom domain, you can follow these steps:

  1. Purchase a domain name from a domain registrar like GoDaddy or Namecheap.

  2. Connect your domain to your Bubble app by following the instructions provided by your domain registrar.

  3. Set up SSL encryption for your domain by following the instructions provided by your domain registrar.

Once your custom domain is set up, you can deploy your app to your new domain using the same deployment process as above.

Good luck with testing and launching your web app!


We can summarize the entire process of building a micro saas with bubble io in three steps:

  • Think it

  • Build 

  • Launch it

Want to build your own micro-saas but need help getting started, feel free to send an email and we will reach out to you asap.